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Statue of Liberty Mural
Tropical rainforest
Liver Bird World Mural
Tropical rainforest mural
Eagle and Dragon Mural
Liver bird Eagle Mural
Ice Hockey Mural
Tropical rainforest PCA
Smaller Earth 
Smaller Earth Mural

This mural was completed for Smaller Earth at their offices on the Albert Dock, Liverpool. 


Smaller Earth are a gap year company.  The artwork needed to include references to the main countries they represent, namely USA, China, Canada and New Zealand.  These representations are in the form of The Statue of Liberty and the bald-headed eagle for America, the dragon for China , the ice hockey player for Canada and the Maori patterns for New Zealand.  All these elements had to be united by a strong Liverpool icon (as the offices are in Liverpool).  The somewhat obvious choice is the Liver Bird; the wings acting as the perfect tool to bring the icons together.  The symmetry of the Liver Bird also worked well with this being a corner wall mural.


There were a lot of separate elements to this mural, but I think each one turned out well, both individually and collectively.  I enjoyed the challenges each image presented.  This was my own design and I think it works well.  I was a bit worried about the Maori tattoo being too much, but it is actually my favourite touch.





Tropical Rainforest Mural 

A tropical rainforest mural full of lush greenery and bright flowers.  This was commissioned by Smaller Earth (located at Albert Dock, Liverpool) for their staff breakout room, creating a vibrant green environment for staff to take 10 minutes break from their work.  The company's office is bright, fresh and trendy., a great place to work it seems and this mural helps add to that setting in many ways.


Painted in August 2018.




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