Time Lapse Video of the Liverpool Landmarks Mural at Liverpool Shopping Park
A time lapse movie recording some of the building painted at the Liverpool Shopping Park on Edge Lane. One bloke, one month, one mural,...

Meet Liverpool's most Instagrammed artist
There is more than a good chance you have one of Paul Curtis’ public artworks on your Instagram feed. His most famous creation so far...

My huge colourful Liverpool Landmarks mural at Liverpool Shopping Park
So here it is. I have been toiling in a cold lonely car park at Liverpool Shopping Park on Edge Lane for a month to complete this mural!...

Liverpool skyline mural at LSP progressing well
This epic mural is about 3 weeks in now. It is a colourful depiction of various Liverpool landmarks. I can see the end in sight but...

Working in the shadow of a Liver Bird
My current work on for LSP (Liverpool Shopping Park) involves a huge 40 metre long mural along a long hoarding. The work will involve...