Southport Flower Show Mural

To celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of the @southportflowershow, Paul was asked to paint this mural at the site in Victoria Park, Southport.
Throughout the flower show, Victoria Park is blooming with colourful flowers and it was easy to be inspired and go full tilt with the colour palette and finish with flowers that burst off the wall.
Paul attended the show every day, doing live paintings on three large canvases for the show's sponsor, @the79thgroup which were part of a raffle.
Paul was also tasked with producing 3 large paintings of flowers linking to the main areas that the 79th Group operate in.
🌻The daisy represents Southport and is directly copied from the "Victoria Park" Mural.
🌼The yellow flower is a Tribulus Omanense, which is the national flower of the UAE.
🌺The pink flower is a Vernonia djalonensis, the national flower of the Republic of Guinea.