Infinite Mirror Effect
This is an unusual mural. @the_wirral_bath_co wanted a picture of the building painted onto the said building in a sort of infinite...
Scruffy Murphy's is open
A new Irish American bar has opened in Liverpool city centre. The mural celebrates the two nations' strong links. Including: The Statue...
The World of Wonder
Doctor Who is coming to Liverpool's World Museum The exhibition will open on Friday 27th of May. This enormous mural will welcome all...
Mural Competition Reminder
Your reminder, there is still time to begin your hunt for all of Paul's murals! Looking for something to do over the Easter holidays? Tah...
Paul's First Mural in Ormskirk!
Paul's first mural in Ormskirk celebrates the town's history of master watch and clockmakers. The background is inspired by Thomas...
A video year review of 2021, Paul Curtis Artwork
A year review of Paul Curtis' work in 2021. Despite a difficult year with the shadow of coronavirus always looming in the background,...
How to sell an art calendar
Every year I create an art calendar with my year's work showcased on each month. I advertise these on my social media. It's always...
Largest ever painting by a single artist in UK... "Ainsley & Dale" Sand Lizards Street Art, Ainsdale
Award-winning street artist Paul Curtis has completed work on his largest ever mural to date, transforming Ainsdale’s Toad Hall with a...
Paul Curtis mural forms centrepiece at Red Rum exhibition at The Atkinson Gallery, Southport.
An exhibition about Red Rum - one of the world's most famous horses - has opened in the town where he trained. He won the Grand National...
Edge & Sons Butchers and Boysenberry Deli mural.
During the summer of 2020, a large section of the main high street in the Wirral town of New Ferry was transformed. A row of shops which...