Happy New Year! Thanks for all your support in 2018
2018 has been a very good year for me. The first year I have had full employment as an artist. A massive thanks to you all for your...

Sim City Liverpool - Mural at Cellar 24 by Paul Curtis Artwork
A bird's-eye view of the city of Liverpool by Liverpool artist, Paul Curtis Artwork. Located at Cellar 24, Wood Street, Liverpool. The...

For all Liverpool's Liver Birds is one year old today! (aka "The Wings")
So much has happened in the year since! I know many people have enjoyed having their picture taken in front of them, and that afterall,...

Creating Art for Danny Boyle's and Richard Curtis' new film
In May 2018, Danny Boyle and Richard Curtis spend two weeks shooting their new film in Liverpool, causing quite a lot of excitement in...

Calderstones Eco-Garden Mural
This beautiful, bright poppy mural was created for Calderstones School's Eco-Garden. It is painted in the walled-garden, on a wall which...

Liverpool Culture Mural at Taco Bell
My latest mural - a vibrant, bright colourful mural painted for the Taco Bell restaurant in Liverpool. Click here to visit mural page The...

Bumblebee Transformers Mural Time Lapse
Time lapse of Bumblebee Transformer mural by Liverpool artist, Paul Curtis Artwork. Painted in a lad's bedroom in Woolton Liverpool. It...

Clatterbridge Cancer Charity Liverpool Mural complete!
Liverpool artist, Paul Curtis Artwork, painted this 8-bit, Pacman inspired mural to help raise awareness for Clatterbridge Cancer Charity...

Time Lapse Video of the Liverpool Landmarks Mural at Liverpool Shopping Park
A time lapse movie recording some of the building painted at the Liverpool Shopping Park on Edge Lane. One bloke, one month, one mural,...

Time Lapse of Tom and Jerry Mural for a Nursery Room
Tom and Jerry up to their usual shennanigans. A fantastically bold mural of this Hanna and Barbera classic cartoon duo. Tom is chasing...